Gold News

Gold started the new year with a bang. Does it imply a beginning of a bull market or it is only a temporary rise? The Rise in Risk-Aversion The London spot price of the shiny metal gained almost 5 percent in January. What were the reasons behind this rise? Well, t
The last Bank of Japan’s move is an excellent opportunity to discuss the impact of NIRP on the gold market. How will it affect the global economy and the price of gold? It’s NIRP Time The Zero Interest-Rate Policy is over. Now, it’s time for Negative Interest-Rate
Yesterday, gold hit a 3-month high on weak economic data. What does it mean for the US economy and the gold market? U.S. Manufacturing Is Contracting First, the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturing index edged up from 48.0 to 48.2, but it remained below
The Bank of Japan adopted negative interest rates last Friday. What does it mean for the U.S. economy and the gold market? Rate Cut The Japanese insane monetary policy became even more insane. The Bank of Japan announced that it “will apply a negative interest rat
Gold has been on a bearish trend for years! Unfortunately, since 2011, the value of the yellow metal has fallen dramatically. However, I've done a bit of research on the precious metal, and I have to say, what I found was incredibly interesting. The bottom line here
New orders for manufactured durable goods decreased 5.1 percent in December. What does it mean for the U.S. economy and the gold market? Demand for durable goods plunged in December, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. New orders decreased 5.1 percent, the fourt
Gold, in my opinion, is the most interesting commodity on the market. That's because there are so many factors that play a role in the demand for the shiny yellow metal. Today, the Federal Reserve may be one of those factors. The Fed recently released details from W
Almost a month into the New Year and gold price optimists are smiling while the stock marker crowd is looking pretty sick. However, global financial markets may have to shake, rattle and roll rather more vigorously for a powerful breakout in the yellow metal. How
