Gold News

Will this be the Fall of Falls. 10 years after the Lehman collapse, will we again have an Autumn of Shocks in financial markets? The odds are very high! Overstretched stock markets look extremely vulnerable including 13 recent Hindenburg Omens for the US market. The
With the action seen last week, this weekend I thought we would take a look at the cycle work in relation to both the gold and U.S. stock markets, to get some idea of what we might expect to see play out as we move into the Autumn months. Gold Price Cycles For
Gold has had a rough several months. The precious metal is down some $170 from its peak in April near $1,370, closing today just below $1,200 on the New York COMEX futures market. As we indicated in our last article, gold has failed to maintain the structure that wo
For some time, I’ve expected 2018 to be gold’s breakout year. Although it is still possible, the odds have declined severely. What happened? Well, many factors influence the price of gold – interest rates, inflation expectations, currency/trade wars, monetary pol
The recent action has seen the expectation of additional short-term strength for gold, with the metal pushing up to a high of 1220.70 into last Tuesday - before giving way to a downside consolidation to end the week. The positioning of the time cycles suggests anoth
This is it! The autumn of 2018 will be momentous in the world economy, markets and politics. We are now seeing the Last Hurrah for stocks, bonds, the dollar and most asset markets. The world economy has been living on borrowed time since the 2006-9 crisis. The financ
With the action seen last week, gold finally managed to put in a decent rally, with the metal forming its low in Monday's session with the tag of the 1189.60 figure - before re-testing that level into Thursday/Friday. From there, a sharp move higher was seen into late-d
Last weeks trading saw Gold holding below our key (upside) price reversal levels, which kept the metal in its current weaker configuration - with the mid-term cycles still pushing south at the present time. Gold Short-Term For the near-term action, Gold needed
Short-Term Gold For the near-term, the next move for the gold market should be a rally with the 34-day time cycle, which is into extended range for a bottom: In terms of time, the 34-day cycle is now well into extended territory for a rally to materialize, a r
Gold’s bottoming attempt following the 2015 low of $1,045 per ounce has failed to maintain a price structure indicative of a rising trend. Consequently, the odds have now shifted significantly that precious metals will not be in a bull market for the foreseeable fut
