Gold News

Last week's trading saw gold holding in a sideways-to-down consolidation, with the metal forming its low in Tuesday's session with the tag of the 1280.20 figure. From there, strength was seen into a Thursday high of 1298.00 - before backing off the same to end the w
Long term holders of gold have a different perspective of the world. They are not believers in instant gratification. Nor do they believe that a world based on money printing and debt can create sustainable wealth. They also know that the socialism which has spread like
Last week's trading saw the gold market making higher highs for the larger swing, with the metal pushing all the way up to a high of 1270.30 (February, 2019 contract), made in Thursday's session; from there, a mild consolidation to the downside was seen to end the w
As we approach the beginning of the biggest wealth destruction in history, it is timely to turn to the wisdom of one of the great philosophers. Plato (428-348 BC) stated: “The greatest wealth is to live content with little” And this is the lesson that most people
The next 72-hours are critical. It seems nearly every market is at a significant tipping point. Tomorrow’s Fed decision will either extend or reverse the current trends. Expect increased volatility. Gold Prices It looks like gold prices are trying to break hig
Last week's action saw gold forming its peak for the week in Monday's session, here doing so with the tag of the 1256.60 figure (February, 2019 contract). From there, a gentle correction was seen into late-week, with that decline coming as the result of a smaller 10
We are now in the very final stages of the most remarkable era of alchemy in the history of finance. This cycle started in 1913 with the creation of the Fed and had its death knell in 1971 when Nixon took away the gold backing of the dollar. It has been a long and slow
With the action seen last week, gold saw its low made in Monday's session, here doing so with the tag of the 1226.60 figure (February, 2019 contract). From there, strength was seen into late- week, with the metal pushing all the way up to a high of 1255.80 - an acti
The US stock market fell sharply this week, down 4.6% as represented by the S&P500 index. The market is now down nearly 10% from its all-time high set in late-September. We can see below that as stocks have sold off, gold has not only held its value, but has
For the gold market, the recent action has been very choppy, with the short-term waves either having bottomed - or else with a marginal amount of weakness still to come. As for U.S. stocks, the cycles there are pointing higher into later this month, which is in line
