Gold News

Have the Ides of March been delayed in 2019? Normally the Ides of March just means the date March 15th. Shakespeare made the expression ominous as it was the day that Julius Caesar was murdered. Today in 2019, the 29th of March seems more significant than the 15th. Beca
Last week's trading saw gold forming its low in Monday's session, here doing so with the tag of the 1290.60 figure (April, 2019 contract). From there, a rally was seen into Wednesday, with the metal pushing up to a high of 1311.60 - before spending the balance of th
The world financial system has been in a euphoric state since 2009. It seems that the Keynesians, like Krugman or the Modern Money Theorists (MMT) are right after all. All asset markets are near the highs and show little sign of changing direction. As Treasury Secretary
Last week's trading saw gold holding weaker into Thursday's session, where its low was formed with the eventual tag of the 1280.10 figure. From there, a decent rally was seen into Friday, in the process turning the short-term cycles back to the upside - even though
Last week's trading saw Gold forming its high in Monday's session, here doing so with the tag of the 1334.90 figure. From there, a sharp decline was seen into late-week, with the metal dropping all the way down to a Friday low of 1291.30 - before bouncing slightly o
The gold price has been strong recently, having risen over $180 from the August 2018 low of $1,167 to the peak above $1,347 as of last week. There have been solid fundamental reasons for gold’s run: primarily, the Federal Reserve last month hinted that it ma
Gold witnessed a spirited move higher into mid-week, last week, with the metal running all the way up to a top of 1349.80 - made in Wednesday's session. From there, a sharp decline was seen into Thursday, here dropping down to a low of 1323.80 - before bouncing slig
Is a total collapse of the financial system next or will we see the globalists taking control of the world? Either way, the world is now at one of the most critical crossroads ever in history. Shakespeare expressed it eloquently in Julius Caesar: There is a tide in t
Here's a quick follow-up to my recent analysis Gold Forecast: Gold Prices Likely To Test $1360 In February. Gold is once again at a critical juncture just like last April. Will it tuck tail and run or finally breakout? I think we will know within the next few tra
Last week's trading saw gold holding in a downside consolidation for the better part of the week, with the metal dropping all the way down to a low of 1304.70 - made in Thursday's session. From there, however, a sharp reversal higher was seen into Friday, here runni
